Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Doctrine Episodes

Nov. 7, 2022

Why Do Catholics Keep Relics of the Saints? (#43)

For Protestants and other non-Catholics, relics are one of, if not the, weirdest things about Catholicism. Why do Catholics have and treasure relics -- bits of bodies and clothing -- of the saints?
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 3, 2022

Holy Water? Statues? Candles? Weird? Nope! Sacramentals. (#48)

Greg and Cory discuss "sacramentals" (not sacraments), objects and devotional practice which have been blessed by the Church.
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Considering Catholicism
Oct. 20, 2022

The Communion of the Saints (#66)

On the fall equinox, Greg and Ed venture into deep, piney woods and discuss the present and future hope represented by "the Communion of the Saints."
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 29, 2022

To Jesus Through Mary (#58)

Ed was deeply moved by Greg's explanation of the significance of the Blessed Virgin Mary back in Episode #29, and wrote an article about how it impacted him. In this follow-up conversation, they explore what "To Jesus Through...
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 22, 2022

Why Do Protestants Reject the Catholic Eucharist? (#63)

Protestant theology flat-out rejects Catholic Eucharist doctrines. Why? And how should Catholics respond to the objections of their Protestant friends and family?
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 19, 2022

The Eucharist and the Miracle of Holy Communion (#57)

In our ongoing series on the Eucharist, Greg and Cory explore why the Eucharist is also called "Holy Communion," and why that communion is a miracle, not just a vague sense of community.
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 12, 2022

The Real Presence in the Eucharist: Transubstantiation (#56)

In a series of ongoing conversations about the miracles of the mass and the Eucharist, Greg and Cory try to explain exactly what the Church teaches about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 8, 2022

The Miracle of Consecration (#55)

In this ongoing series on the Eucharist, Greg and Cory talk about miracles, how the priest acts in the person of Christ, and the invocation of the Holy Spirit during the mass.
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 5, 2022

The Eucharist and the Metaphysics of the Mass (#54)

Every Catholic mass is nothing short of a miracle. As part of our series on the Eucharist, Greg and Cory discuss how the field of "metaphysics" helps us to wrap our minds around how the supernatural intervenes in the natural ...
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 1, 2022

The Eucharist, Scripture, and Suppers (#53)

The whole Old Testament points towards the Gospel, and so it is full of hints, clues, and foreshadows of the Eucharist. Part of the series of episodes on the Eucharistic Revival.
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Considering Catholicism
Aug. 25, 2022

Can We Lose Our Salvation? (#50)

Ed asks Greg if Catholics can lose their salvation once they join the Church (Part 2 of 3 about Salvation).
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Considering Catholicism
Aug. 18, 2022

Why Is the Eucharist So Important to Catholics? (#44)

In the first of a series of lessons on the Eucharist, Greg explains why it's such big deal to Catholics when it's only a medium-sized deal to Protestant Evangelicals.
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Considering Catholicism
Aug. 15, 2022

Making the Eucharist Matter Again (#40)

The bishops of America are deeply concerned that too few Catholics understand, believe in, or take the Eucharist in a "coherent" way. And so, they have launched a three-year "Eucharistic Revival." In this first episode in a r...
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Considering Catholicism
Aug. 8, 2022

What Does it Mean to ”Be Catholic?” (#42)

Who is, or isn't, "Catholic?" What do you have to believe or do to "be Catholic?" What about people who don't or won't do those things? Are they still Catholic?
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Considering Catholicism
Aug. 4, 2022

More Protestant Questions About the Pope: Can He Just Make Stuff Up? (#39)

In Episode 32, I answered Ed's question, "Why do Catholics have a pope?" But we kept going, and covered the everything from whether the pope can make up new doctrines, to megachurch pastors, to why Pope Francis seems to meddl...
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Considering Catholicism