In the final installment of their conversation about faith, belief, and doctrine, Greg and Cory tackle the H-Word: heresy. What is it? Is it mean or unfair to call someone a heretic? When do our beliefs cross some line and be...
Step by step, our cultural influencers keep moving the boundary markers of the faith. They say they aren’t changing Christianity, just enlarging or adapting it to the modern world. But at what point does it simply become a di...
Step by step, our cultural influencers keep moving the boundary markers of the faith. They say they aren’t changing Christianity, just enlarging or adapting it to the modern world. But at what point does it simply become a di...
Does it even matter what we believe anymore? In 21st century Christianity, isn’t what we do more important than what we believe? Is your “conscience” and spiritual intuition the supreme authority? The first of three episodes ...
What is Hell? Why would God send anyone there? Didn't the Catholic Church just make it up to scare people into obeying? Greg and Ed continue their discussion of the "Last Things." This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please ...
What is Purgatory? If Jesus saves us by grace, why should anyone go there? And if it isn't mentioned in the Bible, did the Medieval Catholic Church just invent it? Greg and Ed continue their conversations about the "Last Thin...
What is heaven? What would it be like? And why would you want to go there? Also, will your dog or cat get to go with you? Greg and Ed continue exploring the "Last Things" of Catholicism. This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. ...
On the first anniversary episode of this podcast, Greg explains to Ed why he asks listeners to consider Catholicism rather than C.S. Lewis-style "mere" or generic Christianity: because mere Christianity is inadequate for the ...
Greg and Cory discuss the legacy of the recently-departed Pope Benedict XVI, focusing on his encouragement to "be not confused" by the false conflict between faith and reason, religion and science, or the various intellectual...
This is the second of a two-part episode in which Greg, Cory, and Ed the Protestant discuss G.K. Chesterton's famous essay, "Why I Am A Catholic." You can listen to the first have of their conversation in Episode #75. And you...
Greg brought Ed the Protestant and Cory Lakatos together on the podcast for the first time to discuss G.K. Chesterton's famous essay, "Why I Am A Catholic." You can read the essay on the website. Th...
After considering Catholicism for a year, Greg's Protestant friend Ed shares where he's at, whether he's ready to enter the Catholic Church, and asks, "How Catholic can I be without actually becoming Catholic?"
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How Catholic Can I Be Without Being Catholic? (#71)
When people stop believing in the Church's central doctrines, they don't believe in nothing: they pick and choose, like in a cafeteria line, and make themselves a plate of pleasing doctrines to suit their own personal tastes.
Greg and Cory explore the differences between Lutheranism and Calvinism, and how the road to Rome differs depending on whether you begin in Germany or Geneva.
Greg and Cory discuss the "Five Solas," the framework that supports the Protestant worldview and keeps Catholicism at a distance…and how cracks can form in that worldview.