This is the second of a two-part episode in which Greg, Cory, and Ed the Protestant discuss G.K. Chesterton's famous essay, "Why I Am A Catholic." You can listen to the first have of their conversation in Episode #75. And you...
Greg brought Ed the Protestant and Cory Lakatos together on the podcast for the first time to discuss G.K. Chesterton's famous essay, "Why I Am A Catholic." You can read the essay on the website. Th...
After considering Catholicism for a year, Greg's Protestant friend Ed shares where he's at, whether he's ready to enter the Catholic Church, and asks, "How Catholic can I be without actually becoming Catholic?"
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How Catholic Can I Be Without Being Catholic? (#71)
Along with the decorations, every year the same myths get brought out about how the Catholic Church was corrupted by the ancient pagans, and invented its Christmas celebrations by borrowing pagan festivals. So, it's time for ...
Father Noah Thelan is a new, young Catholic priest. Greg asks him about why and how he became a priest, what it means to him, and what he hopes to accomplish in his priesthood.
Greg asks Father John Kartje, the Rector/President of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake and Mundelein Seminary, about what a Catholic priest is, how priests are formed in the seminary, and about what qualifies or disqu...
Who is, or isn't, "Catholic?" What do you have to believe or do to "be Catholic?" What about people who don't or won't do those things? Are they still Catholic?
In Episode 32, I answered Ed's question, "Why do Catholics have a pope?" But we kept going, and covered the everything from whether the pope can make up new doctrines, to megachurch pastors, to why Pope Francis seems to meddl...
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More Protestant Questions About the Pope: Can He Just Make Stuff Up? (#39)
Part 2 of a two-part episode exploring how and why the Catholic Church in America has shrunk and Catholicism has lost influence over the last half century. (Episodes 26-27.)
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What Happened to Catholicism in America Over the Last 50 Years? Part 2 (#32)