How do non-Christians—all the agnostics, atheists, secularists, nihilists, and neopagans that make up our 21st-century culture—how do they view the Christian religion? Culturally, we’re living through the last days, the collapse of the new Roman world. And how did the Romans view Christians? Generally, they thought that they were crazy. They considered the Christian religion silly and nonsensical. They considered Christians dangerous anarchists, a threat to the order and worship of the State, to the civil religion of the empire. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s what the establishment, the elites, the deep state, think of you and I. Our religion is crazy, and we’re dangerous because we worship a crazy religion instead of the technocratic bureaucracy of the modern globalist elites.
So, is Christianity crazy? An insane idea? A nutty religion? Are Christians just wacko religious extremists?