Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.


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BRAVO! Pure ear candy!
What a great teacher. Plainly stating and backing up with personal stories from his protestant years.
Highly recommend
Love this podcast! Thankful for the time and efforts behind each episode. Thank you!!
wonderful podcast
I highly recommend this podcast for anyone struggling with their faith journey -- or even lack thereof. Greg's focus is based in part on his personal journey as a Protestant minister, ultimately embracing Catholicism about a decade ago, after years of searching for answers to his own questions. His passion, his ministry, is to help others who might harbor similar questions or intrigue about a faith tradition that had its origins in the Upper Room in Jerusalem not long after the ascension of Christ. Not only is he extremely well-read, Greg presents explanations in a folksy manner that makes listening and understanding so much easier.
Love Greg!
Greg’s background not only helps those coming from a Protestant denomination but lends so much depth to his discussions on Catholicism. My husband and I became hooked on this podcast several months ago and have been having such great daily discussions on the things we’ve heard and learned. We’re listening to new releases in real time and going back on our own to catch up on the older episodes we’ve missed.
Helpful, Engaging, Insightful
Started this podcast as a companion to RCIA classes and so glad that I did! As a Christian who found my faith in college and married into a Catholic family, I would say my journey to Rome has also been a long one. Greg’s story is inspiring and he has a way of engaging the listener where you just can’t stop! My husband has even started listening and has learned things he wasn’t taught during his catchesis. Highly recommend!
Learning my Catholic faith from protestants..? Deal!
I'm a cradle Catholic who left the church about 20 years ago. I've recently returned and have mostly been finding my way alone as I do not have many practicing catholics in my life. I've found this podcast after several others. All very good, but this one is touching on so many things that I suppose I never understood to begin with and questions never answered... maybe I never properly asked... At any rate this podcast has been invaluable to me and I'm going thru episode at an unbelievable pace. Keep up the good work! God Bless!
Solid & Engaging Podcast
I, too, am on a journey to learn more about Catholicism having been Protestant for the majority of my life. This podcast is playing a major role in answering the many questions (and conflicts) I’ve had with the Catholic faith over the years. Many thanks to Greg for starting this podcast and the transparency he’s having in sharing the faith and tackling the hard questions. You are helping more people than you can imagine.
Thank you so much for doing this show. I’m a ‘cradle Baptist’ and after getting married, my wife and I found our way into the Evangelical Church. After 20+ years we found ourselves longing for more. A deeper, unwavering faith that wasn’t being swayed by current worldly views. I/we felt stuck, stagnant, and had no idea where to turn. Not knowing anything about the Catholic faith, I truly believe the Holy Spirit led me to investigate. I found your podcast at the beginning of my ‘road to Rome’ a few months ago and it has been instrumental in not only my conversion, but a deeper faith that I have never experienced. My wife and I both are now all-in, no turning back and on a sprint on our road to Rome together. Thank you so much. - Josh
The more I listen to this show, the more I cannot stop listening. It is filling gaps in my Protestant upbringing that led me to leave the Christian faith completely for about 10 years. I am now on my way to becoming Catholic and feel so blessed to have found this podcast. Catholicism is truly good and beautiful. Thank you Greg and all other contributors to the podcast.
Great Show
As a cradle Catholic, this podcast has opened my eyes. It is very useful to hear the faith described in such a informative way. Greg has a real talent for explaining big concepts in a way easily understood by regular people. A very big help formulating answers to Protestant objections, especially on a college campus.
Thank you!
This is helping me so much! I have been a Protestant my whole life and am curious about Catholicism and this podcast is helping answer a lot of my questions. Also a lot of misconceptions I've had have been straightened out. It's so refreshing!
Understanding the Catholic church
I’m a 23 year old girl raised in a Protestant reformed church but I befriended a girl who was Catholic and she had lots of questions for me regarding my church. As I was answering her questions I began to realize I didn’t actually know the answers, and a big questions that stuck with me was this: what did the church looked like from the death of Christ until now? Protestantism is roughly 500 years old, so does that mean no one has gone to heaven? As I dove into this question and others I had, I stumbled upon this podcast and it has answered so many questions. I’m praying about what direction to go but so far, the answers from the Catholic side of things suffice way more than the Protestant views. Greg and Ed’s discussions have been a huge help!
Protestant enjoying and learning
Growing up a Protestant, I have some misconceptions about Catholicism. This podcast has helped clarify aspects of Catholicism and made me want to learn more about my current denomination. I am currently questioning my denomination but never have I questioned my faith in Jesus as my savior.
An amazing help with my walk with Jesus!
This podcast has been a great help as I try to walk closer with Jesus. I officially entered the Catholic Church this past Easter after a journey of many years. The discussions on this podcast were used by God to help me along. Thank you so much!
Engaging and Educational
I’m in my 30s and I was convinced of the Catholic faith about 2.5 years ago. As early as I can remember, I was raised in a mainline evangelical Pentecostal/Charismatic church, and then as an adult I did a deep dive into theology and eventually joined a confessional Presbyterian church. Long story short, I learned about the traditional reformed view of baptism, that it does save but only the for the elect. This discovery eventually led me to hearing arguments from Catholic apologists, which immediately convinced me. I discovered this podcast a week or two ago, and so far I have found it surprisingly engaging. I would describe it as a commentary on the Bible and church doctrine that you can sit back listen to with a cup of coffee or even a cigar, or even while your working on something. If you’re a Protestant considering Catholicism, then, as title suggests, this podcast is for you.
Appreciation From an Anglican
I was raised Catholic and left the faith over a decade ago. Last year I resumed going to church, this time an Episcopal one. I was still rather anti-Catholic until I found this podcast. It's very educational on Catholic theology and dispels a lot of Protestant slander about the Church. My theology has now shifted to be very Anglo Catholic. I'm very sympathetic to Roman Catholicism and now pray the Rosary and ask for Saint intercession. Greg is very smart and a wonderful speaker
Listening to Considering Catholicism
This is an amazing podcast. I am a cradle Catholic, but I love to listen, because I learn more about my faith each time I listen! Jodi DeMott
Excellent content!!
Wonderful podcast. The content is exceptional and the host is great.
Considering Catholicism
A most excellent insight into a variety of questions or concerns for those researching the Catholic faith. The host is very articulate and has lived and served in both the Protestant and Catholic worlds.
Invaluable resource
Thank you for this ministry. It is not only educational for me as a cradle Catholic, but an invaluable resource that I have recommended often. This podcast has not only equipped me with the information to explain my faith but also provides a practical aid to share with others who have questions or are curious about the Catholic Church. Always look forward to the next episode!
Bringing me to God
This podcast, Greg Smith’s dedication, and simplistic yet intelligent and articulate way of describing things; has helped me so much in my journey with God. As an atheist to Catholic convert who’s just joined a church for the first time, thank you for educating and inspiring. ✝️
Great resource on the Catholic faith!
I love this podcast, my girlfriend and I listen to it all the time!
This podcast is a light in a lost and confused world
These guys are so helpful. They explain things in a way people can understand, my heart has truly been opened to the idea of Catholicism, I am currently fighting the social aspects of it but by this podcast and other sources I have had practically all of my reservations explained away. I would recommend this to anyone. Blessings 🙏🏻
Wonderfully Succinct
Greg does a phenomenal job of taking complex topics and breaking them down so they are not only easier to understand but also easier to share in conversation with others. As a cradle Catholic, this podcast has helped strengthen my faith, theology, and apologetics, all while keeping me chuckling frequently. Thank you, and keep up the great work!
My review
Top notch Catholic podcast - it was the first Catholic podcast I listened to as a Protestant skeptic of Rome, but have since then joined RCIA and will be welcomed into the Church this Easter.
A favorite podcast I look forward to listening with great enthusiasm!
Thank you Greg for your amazing and educational podcast! I am a recent revert to the Catholic faith after 7 years of wandering away adopting a hybrid of New Age spirituality and nondenominational Protestant ways of practicing the Christian faith. I discovered your podcast a few months ago and can’t get enough of it. It’s one of my favorite weekly intellectual and spiritual treats. I appreciate the clarity and charity you embody in educating the audience. With gratitude from a big fan! Keep up the wonderful work you do! Linh N.
Considering Protestant
Found this podcast after searching “Catholic.” As a Methodist who is considering Catholicism I have enjoyed all the in depth explanations of Catholicism. You have debunked a lot of misbeliefs I had about the faith. Getting my toes wet and feel this tugging at my heart
Very concise and informative
I think this is a really great podcast that is best for people, as the podcast suggests, who are considering, re-considering, or know someone who is, considering Catholicism. Very informative on a wide range of topics and has great production quality, in my view.
Informative, inspiring and entertaining
As a lapsed atheist in search of purpose and meaning this podcast has proved invaluable. In fact it is a huge factor in me starting RCIA back in September 2023. Greg has a real gift for unpacking information and making it understandable for a newbie like myself. In addition the conversations with Ed the protestant are just really entertaining. I couldn't recommend this podcast highly enough.
Thank you.
I can't thank you enough for your podcast.