1. Is Catholicism Still Relevant?
  2. Is Catholicism Mysterious?
  3. Preview Trailer
  4. Evangelizing with History
  5. Making More, and Better, Catholics?
  6. Bells, a Boy, and Becoming Catholic
  7. Are the Ukrainians Fighting a "Just War?"
  8. From Police Chief to Catholic Priest
  9. A Conversation with My Protestant Friend
  10. Answering Protestant Questions
  11. Field Trip to Detroit
  12. The Courageous Calling of Catholic Priests
  13. A Protestant Asks, "Are Catholics Trying to Earn Their Way to Heaven?"
  14. Easter in a World Gone Trans
  15. Explaining the Catholic Mass to a Protestant, Part 1
  16. Movie Review: "Father Stu"
  17. Explaining the Catholic Mass to a Protestant, Part 2
  18. A Protestant Reacts to His First Catholic Mass
  19. "Dear Disinformation Governance Board..."
  20. Why Would a Teenager Convert to Catholicism?
  21. Worldviews: Marxism
  22. Church Music: Catholic vs. Protestant, Part 1
  23. Church Music: Catholic vs. Protestant, Part 2
  24. Worldviews: Moralistic Therapeutic Deism
  25. From Belize to Michigan to New York City
  26. Explaining Confession to a Protestant
  27. Why Do Catholics Have Cathedrals?
  28. A Catholics Really Christians
  29. What Happened to Catholicism in America Over the Last 50 Years? Part 1
  30. July 2022 Update
  31. What Happened to Catholicism in America Over the Last 50 Years? Part 2
  32. A Culture of Life? Or a Culture of Death?
  33. A Protestant Asks About the Virgin Mary
  34. Welcome to Book Club! What Makes a Story "Catholic?"
  35. Book Club: Is ’The Lord of the Rings’ the Greatest Catholic Story of the 20th Century?
  36. A Protestant Asks, ”Why Do Catholics Have a Pope?”
  37. More Protestant Questions About the Pope (i.e. ”Can He Just Make Stuff Up?”)
  38. What Does it Mean to "Be Catholic?"
  39. Book Club: A Tale of Two Priests
  40. Making the Eucharist Matter Again
  41. Why is the Eucharist So Important to Catholics?
  42. Protestant Anxiety vs. Catholic Comfort
  43. Can We Lose Our Salvation?
  44. Practical Benefits of the Catholic Life
  45. The Eucharist, Scripture, and Suppers
  46. The Eucharist and the Metaphysics of the Mass
  47. The Miracle of Consecration
  48. The Real Presence in the Eucharist (The Miracle of Transubstantiation)
  49. Fight Like Heaven!
  50. The Eucharist and the Miracle of Holy Communion
  51. Why Do Protestants Reject the Catholic Eucharist?
  52. The One Great Thing to Love on Earth: the Blessed Sacrament
  53. To Jesus Through Mary
  54. Hail Mary Prayer
  55. Explaining the Rosary to a Catholic
  56. Teaching a Protestant to Pray the Rosary
  57. Families, Children, and the Law
  58. How are Catholic Priests Trained?
  59. The Communion of the Saints
  60. Book Club: The Rise of the Antichrist and the World's Last Day
  61. Diary of a Young Priest
  62. What Happens When We Die?
  63. Holy Water? Statues? Candles? Weird? Nope! Sacramentals.
  64. Why Do Catholics Keep Relics of the Saints?
  65. Book Club: Voyage to Alpha Centauri
  66. Cracking the Protestant Worldview
  67. Christ the King
  68. A Eucharistic Advent
  69. Luther, Calvin, and Catholicism
  70. Catholic Christmas Myths
  71. A Protestant Goes to Eucharistic Adoration
  72. The Eucharist vs. Guardian Angels?
  73. Lent in the Footsteps of Jesus and the Apostles
  74. Do I Have to Go to Church on Sunday?
  75. How Catholic Can I Be Without Being Catholic?
  76. Mary and the Messiah
  77. Whatever Happened to Christmas Carols? Part 1
  78. Whatever Happened to Christmas Carols? Part 2
  79. Why Am I a Catholic? Part 1
  80. Wy Am I a Catholic? Part 2
  81. Book Club: A Canticle for Leibowitz
  82. Pop Culture and Catholicism
  83. The Year Zero Problem
  84. A Good Death
  85. Will I Be Judged?
  86. Faith and Reason
  87. The Dictatorship of Relativism
  88. How to Read the Bible
  89. Why Not "Mere Christianity?"
  90. Sex, Personal Morality, and Catholicism
  91. Is This All There Is?
  92. Common Decency
  93. Movie Club: "The Mission"
  94. Funerals, Families, Food, and Sex. Part 1
  95. Funerals, Families, Food, and Sex. Part 2
  96. What is Heaven?
  97. What is Purgatory?
  98. What is Hell?
  99. Explaining Lent to a Protestant
  100. A Protestant Asks, "Why is Catholic Art Weird?"
  101. Does Doctrine Even Matter Anymore?
  102. How Far Can the Faith Be Bent?
  103. The "H-Word"
  104. Movie Club: "The Sound of Music"
  105. Why Do Catholics Go On "Pilgrimages?"
  106. Does the Virgin Mary Really Appear to People?
  107. Holy Land Diaries, Part 1: The Sea of Galilee
  108. Holy Land Diaries, Part 2: Jerusalem
  109. Easter and "Brother Sun, Sister Moon"
  110. Book Club: "Frankenstein"
  111. The Seven Deadly Sins: Introduction
  112. The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride
  113. The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy
  114. The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
  115. The Seven Deadly Sins: Greed
  116. The Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth
  117. The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony
  118. The Seven Deadly Sins: Lust
  119. Finding Friends in a Catholic Parish, Part 1
  120. Finding Friends in a Catholic Parish, Part 2
  121. "Binding and Loosing?"
  122. Why Go to Church?
  123. Mission? Vocation? How Should I Organize My Life?
  124. Catholic vs. Protestant Views on Creation and Evolution
  125. Is Catholicism Anti-Science?
  126. The Galileo Myth
  127. Do It Again
  128. Catholic vs. Protestant Bibles
  129. Where Did the New Testament Come From?
  130. Is the Bible the Word of God?
  131. What is Faith?
  132. Eldest Daughter of the Church and Other Updates
  133. What Do Catholics Have to Believe?
  134. Is Catholicism...Spooky?
  135. How to Choose a Church
  136. Why Does the Church Baptize Infants?
  137. UFOs: Aliens, Angels, or...?
  138. What are Angels?
  139. Can We Participate in Halloween?
  140. Our Duty to Improve
  141. The Pursuit of Happiness