For 1600+ years, the Catholic Church took the gospel to the ends of the earth. But eventually, revolutionary changes in Europe and the Americas (the Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment, revolutionary ideologies, etc.) s...
Christianity was born in a pagan world. At first, it was an oppressed sect but it came to overcome the religions of Greece and Rome, the Celtic and Germanic tribes, and carried the gospel to the ends of the earth. How and why...
Marxism has been in the news again lately. Cultural Marxism (i.e., "wokeism," DEI, and radical social justice movements) and various globalist ideologies try to challenge, undermine, and overwhelm historic Catholic Christiani...
A listener named John asks, "What about bad popes who lived immoral lives, etc? How can they lead the Church?" As Greg explains, there have been good popes, bad popes, and mostly average popes, but the office of the seat of P...
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Good Popes, Bad Popes, Mostly Average Popes (#160)
Ed asks about the Crusades: did the Catholic Church really launch brutal wars of colonization, invading Muslim ancestral lands with hordes of Catholic knights to rape, pillage, and steal the Middle East? Greg explains that mu...
Greg and Ed talk about Halloween. Can Christians participate? Are its origins really in the Catholic Church incorporating pagan Celtic rituals? And has the Church adopted pagan rituals throughout history, including Easter cel...
An invitation to take a free online course with Greg Smith about Catholic church history (and some other updates about the podcast). Sign up for the class at The conversation with Cory about knowledge, belief...
Greg and Ed sit in the forest and continue their conversation about the Bible--its sources, how it was compiled, the difference between the Catholic bible (a.k.a. "the Bible") and Protestant bibles--by asking who wrote the Ne...
Protestants have been told that Catholic Bibles are wrong and weird and that medieval popes snuck suspicious extra books into the Catholic Bible! Which is tampering with God's Word, right?! Ed asks Greg about this while they ...
Supposedly, during the dark ages, the Catholic Church threw the brave scientist Galileo Galilei into a dungeon for discovering that the earth revolved around the sun because the Church wanted to keep the people in intellectua...
Many assert that Christianity, and Catholicism in particular, is opposed to science. Greg and Cory explain why that's not strictly true, but that some people misuse the word "Science" to describe something that is, by definit...
One of the monumental works of Catholic poetry is St. Francis of Assisi's "Canticle of the Creatures" (the "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" poem). Greg and Cory reflect on what this poem really means in light of the Resurrection.
Greg just got back from a pilgrimage to Israel, the Holy Land, and describes what insights into the Gospel can be gained from seeing Jerusalem firsthand. This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please consider supporting its pr...
Greg just got back from a pilgrimage to Israel, the Holy Land, and describes what insights into the Gospel can be gained from seeing the Sea of Galilee firsthand. This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please consider supporti...
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Holy Land Diaries, Part 1: The Sea of Galilee (#110)
Greg and Ed review one of the most well-done Catholic films of all time: the 1986 Academy Award-winning masterpiece "The Mission," starring Robert DeNiro and Jeremy Irons. This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please consider...