Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Snapshots Episodes

Nov. 22, 2023

Snapshot: The End of Ordinary Time (#155)

Ordinary Time is coming to an end, very soon. If that sounds alarming and weird to you, then listen to this short explanation of the Catholic conception of time, and the cycles and landmarks that ought to define our lives. Bu...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 9, 2023

Snapshot: ”God, Country, Notre Dame” (#151)

This iconic motto is all over merchandise at the University of Notre Dame. Non-Notre Dame fans find it arrogant and annoying. But most don't realize that it's a double entendre, and that the real meaning, the deeper meaning, ...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 2, 2023

Snapshot: Taking Death Seriously (#149)

In this snapshot, Greg discusses why it's important to take death seriously in a culture that doesn't, and takes comfort in Catholicism which offers a coherent, comprehensive, and mature approach to death, dying, and remember...
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Considering Catholicism
Oct. 31, 2023

Snapshot: (Un)Happy Reformation Day! (#148)

For secular folks this is Halloween, for Catholics it's the eve of All Saints Day, but for Protestants it's Reformation Day, when Martin Luther nailed his complaints against the Catholic Church to a cathedral door in Germany....
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Considering Catholicism
Oct. 28, 2023

Snapshot: More About UFOs (#146)

Snapshots are a type of episode: around 10 minutes on a single topic. Today, Greg follows up on a recent episode about whether UFOs are aliens, angels, or something else. What should Christians, and Catholics in particular, b...
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Considering Catholicism