Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Science Episodes

Oct. 2, 2023

UFOs: Aliens, Angels, or...? (#141)

UFOs are in the news again, as Congress holds hearings about what the government knows about them. How should Christians feel about this issue? What does the Catholic Church teach? And how do we make sense of it. Greg and Cor...
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Considering Catholicism
July 26, 2023

The Galileo Myth (#129)

Supposedly, during the dark ages, the Catholic Church threw the brave scientist Galileo Galilei into a dungeon for discovering that the earth revolved around the sun because the Church wanted to keep the people in intellectua...
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Considering Catholicism
July 17, 2023

Is Catholicism Anti-Science? (#128)

Many assert that Christianity, and Catholicism in particular, is opposed to science. Greg and Cory explain why that's not strictly true, but that some people misuse the word "Science" to describe something that is, by definit...
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Considering Catholicism
July 10, 2023

Catholic vs. Protestant Views on Creation and Evolution (#127)

Greg and Cory wade into a thorny subject: Catholic vs. Protestant views of the creation of the world and mankind, evolution and whether the early chapters of Genesis are to be understood literally. As they illustrate, nothing...
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Considering Catholicism