Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Protestantism Episodes

Oct. 31, 2023

Snapshot: (Un)Happy Reformation Day! (#148)

For secular folks this is Halloween, for Catholics it's the eve of All Saints Day, but for Protestants it's Reformation Day, when Martin Luther nailed his complaints against the Catholic Church to a cathedral door in Germany....
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Considering Catholicism
Oct. 22, 2023

Revisiting an Evangelical Protestant Church (#143)

Greg was traveling in the Rocky Mountains last week, and revisited a contemporary evangelical Protestant church that he attended sometimes before he converted to Catholicism. These are his reflections on the differences that ...
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 11, 2023

Is Catholicism...Spooky? (#138)

Ed the Protestant had breakfast with three of his friends, and they couldn't understand his attraction to Catholicism. From their perspective, it seems full of mystical rituals instead of being straightforward, simple, and ra...
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Considering Catholicism
July 10, 2023

Catholic vs. Protestant Views on Creation and Evolution (#127)

Greg and Cory wade into a thorny subject: Catholic vs. Protestant views of the creation of the world and mankind, evolution and whether the early chapters of Genesis are to be understood literally. As they illustrate, nothing...
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Considering Catholicism
Jan. 9, 2023

The Year Zero Problem (#84)

Greg and Cory explore one of the biggest barriers in dialogue between Catholics and Protestants: Tradition vs. Primitivism. Support this ministry so more people can consider Catholicism! Website: https://www.consideringcathol...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 24, 2022

Luther, Calvin, and Catholicism (#47)

Greg and Cory explore the differences between Lutheranism and Calvinism, and how the road to Rome differs depending on whether you begin in Germany or Geneva.
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 14, 2022

Cracking The Protestant Worldview (#67)

Greg and Cory discuss the "Five Solas," the framework that supports the Protestant worldview and keeps Catholicism at a distance…and how cracks can form in that worldview.
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 22, 2022

Why Do Protestants Reject the Catholic Eucharist? (#63)

Protestant theology flat-out rejects Catholic Eucharist doctrines. Why? And how should Catholics respond to the objections of their Protestant friends and family?
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Considering Catholicism
Aug. 22, 2022

Protestant Anxiety vs. Catholic Comfort (#49)

Greg and Ed compare Protestant anxiety about being saved to the comfort of Catholicism (Part 1 of 3 about Salvation).
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Considering Catholicism
June 7, 2022

Are Catholics Really Christians? (#29)

Greg's Protestant friend Ed brings up all the arguments that he's heard that Catholicism isn't real Christianity.
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Considering Catholicism
May 12, 2022

Church Music: Catholic vs. Protestant, Part 2 (#22)

What are some of the practical challenges that church musicians face when planning and leading worship in their congregations? In this second part of the conversation between Ed and Audrey, they talk about volunteers, expecta...
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Considering Catholicism
May 10, 2022

Church Music: Catholic vs. Protestant, Part 1 (#21)

How and why is the music different in Catholic and Protestant churches? Part 1 of a conversation with two experienced professionals, one from each tradition. Ed Schief, representing Evangelical Protestantism and Audrey Thomas...
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Considering Catholicism
April 29, 2022

A Protestant Reacts to His First Mass (#17)

I finally took my Protestant friend Ed to his first Catholic mass. Afterward, over tacos, he shared his impressions.
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Considering Catholicism
April 25, 2022

Explaining the Catholic Mass to a Protestant, Part 2 (#15)

Part 2 of explaining the mass to my Protestant friend Ed before he experiences it for the first time at the cathedral.
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Considering Catholicism
April 18, 2022

Explaining the Catholic Mass to a Protestant, Part 1 (#14)

Another Church Chat with my Protestant friend, Ed. He's agreed to come to a mass with me at the cathedral. But we got together first so I could prepare him by explaining the purpose and form of the mass to him. But the conver...
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Considering Catholicism