Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Life Episodes

Dec. 26, 2023

Snapshot: Is the Christian Life Worth It? (#167)

Anyone considering ancient and biblical Christianity, particularly Catholicism, has to ask, “Why does the Christian life have to be so hard? If God wants us to follow him, why doesn't he just make it easier? Is living the Chr...
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Considering Catholicism
Dec. 18, 2023

From New Age Nashville and On the Road to Rome (#164)

Angie Griffith spent more than ten years as an executive in the music industry in Nashville. She was also enmeshed in New Age religion. Then the Holy Spirit, through a range of events and influences (including the Considering...
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Considering Catholicism
Dec. 13, 2023

Snapshot: Is Christianity Crazy? (#162)

How do all the agnostics, atheists, secularists, nihilists, and neopagans that make up our 21st-century culture view the Christian religion? Culturally, we’re living through the last days of the new Roman world. And how did t...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 22, 2023

Snapshot: The End of Ordinary Time (#155)

Ordinary Time is coming to an end, very soon. If that sounds alarming and weird to you, then listen to this short explanation of the Catholic conception of time, and the cycles and landmarks that ought to define our lives. Bu...
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Considering Catholicism
Oct. 30, 2023

The Pursuit of Happiness (#147)

Greg and Ed discuss the concept of happiness and the responsibility to cultivate happiness in one's life. Pursuing immediate gratification does not lead to genuine happiness, but rather, pursuing goodness, truth, and beauty c...
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Considering Catholicism
Oct. 23, 2023

Our Duty to Improve (#144)

Greg and Ed have an honest talk about what stewardship means. Because our life is a gift, God expects us to try and become the best possible versions of ourselves that we can be. Please support the podcast: https://givebutter...
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Considering Catholicism
Sept. 18, 2023

How to Choose a Church (#132)

So you or your friends or family are looking for a new church. How do you pick one? Is it like standing in the cereal aisle at the grocery store, surveying the various colors, textures, shapes, and tastes, and finding one tha...
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Considering Catholicism
July 31, 2023

Do It Again (#130)

Why is modern life so unsatisfying? Why are so many of us discontent? Greg and Cory reflect on how Catholicism offers a boring yet fundamentally satisfying antidote to heal our frantic postmodern souls. Support this ministry ...
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Considering Catholicism
July 3, 2023

Mission? Vocation? How Should I Organize My Life? (#126)

As a Christian, how should you organize your life, set your priorities, spend your time? Greg and Ed talk about how in the evangelical Protestant world the highest priority was/is "mission," while Catholicism stresses that li...
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Considering Catholicism
June 26, 2023

Why Go to Church? (#125)

After a few weeks of summer break in episodes, Greg and Ed the Protestant gather again in the secret compound on the Summer Solstice to talk about different answers to the question, "Why should I go to church on Sunday?" Supp...
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Considering Catholicism
May 18, 2023

Finding Friends in a Catholic Parish, Part2 (#123)

Part 2 of a conversation between Greg and Cory (who develops family and parish community ministries) about the challenges of developing "community" and relationships in a typical Catholic parish. Support the podcast: https://...
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Considering Catholicism
May 15, 2023

Finding Friends in a Catholic Parish, Part 1 (#122)

Part 1 of a conversation between Greg and Cory (who develops family and parish community ministries) about the challenges of developing "community" and relationships in a typical Catholic parish. Support the podcast: https://...
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Considering Catholicism
Feb. 20, 2023

Funerals, Families, Food, and Sex, Part 2 (#97)

Greg and Cory continue their discussion of how the historical Christian, particularly Catholic, understanding of funerals is at odds with current cultural trends. (Part 2 of 2) This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please con...
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Considering Catholicism
Feb. 16, 2023

Funerals, Families, Food, and Sex, Part 1 (#96)

How are current trends in the format of funerals in America and Europe a significant break with historic Christian understandings of the body, death, and the central claim of the Gospel? (Part 1 of 2) This podcast is a nonpro...
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Considering Catholicism
Aug. 29, 2022

Practical Benefits of the Catholic Life (#51)

Ed asks Greg, "If I become Catholic, how will it make my life better in the here and now?" (Part 3 of 3 about Salvation).
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Considering Catholicism