Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Morality & Ethics Episodes

Dec. 21, 2023

New Age But the Same Old Devil (#165)

Part 2 of Greg's conversation with Angie Griffith, a Considering Catholicism listener who spent over a decade as a music industry executive in Nashville. After COVID lockdowns disrupted her career, she found herself immersed ...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 29, 2023

Snapshot: Stuff Jesus Never Said (#158)

Those who want to change the Church's teaching on homosexuality and same-sex marriage like to argue from Jesus' silence on the issue: "If Jesus didn't bother mentioning it in the gospels, it shouldn't matter." Protestants hav...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 20, 2023

Charity and Social Justice (#154)

Ed the Protestant asks about the Catholic Church's commitment to charity and the poor. Greg explains where that comes from and the related but very different concept of Catholic Social Justice. Support the podcast: https://gi...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 13, 2023

Demons (#152)

What does the Catholic Church teach about Satan and demons? Is he, or are they, the opposing force in the universe to God and angels? What do they know? What can they do? Can they possess us? What is an exorcism? Greg and Cor...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 6, 2023

What is Evil? (#150)

What does the Catholic Church teach about what evil actually is? Is it the opposite of good, like light/dark or yin/yang? Is it moral failing? Being outside of God's will? A social construct? Greg and Cory explain that in Cat...
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Considering Catholicism
May 11, 2023

Seven Deadly Sins: Lust (#121)

Greg and Ed the Protestant conclude their exploration of the Seven Deadly Sins by discussing Lust and Chastity.
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Considering Catholicism
May 8, 2023

Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony (#120)

Greg and Ed the Protestant explore what glutton isn't, what it is, and the antidote of temperance.
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Considering Catholicism
May 4, 2023

Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth (#119)

Greg and Ed the Protestant continue their exploration of the Seven Deadly Sins by tackling Sloth, which is far more subtle and dangerous than mere laziness. It is the "noontime demon."
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Considering Catholicism
May 1, 2023

Seven Deadly Sins: Greed (#118)

Greg and Ed the Protestant discuss greed, how deceptive it can be, and what generosity means.
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Considering Catholicism
April 27, 2023

Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath (#117)

Greg and Ed the Protestant continue their exploration of the Seven Deadly Sins, this time discussing wrath, how it differs from anger, how it takes control of a life, and how the corresponding virtue of meekness does not mean...
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Considering Catholicism
April 24, 2023

Seven Deadly Sins: Envy (#116)

Greg and Ed the Protestant continue their discussion of the Seven Deadly Sins. In this episode, they look at envy, how it differs from jealousy, and how it is second only to pride as a rejection of God.
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Considering Catholicism
April 20, 2023

The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride (#115)

Greg and Ed the Protestant explore the first of the seven deadly sins, pride. It comes first because it is the capital sin, the source from which the other six flow. Then they discuss the antidote that Catholicism prescribes:...
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Considering Catholicism
April 17, 2023

The Seven Deadly Sins: Introduction (#114)

Greg and Ed the Protestant begin a series of episodes exploring the classic Catholic list of the Seven Deadly Sins. In this introduction, they discuss what "deadly sins" are, why they are called that, where the list came from...
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Considering Catholicism
Feb. 9, 2023

Common Decency (#94)

Greg and Cory talk about the natural moral law that is necessary to hold communities together, even if it is made up of diverse religions. This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please consider supporting its production: DONAT...
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Considering Catholicism
Feb. 2, 2023

Sex, Personal Morality, and Catholicism (#88)

Greg and Ed the Protestant discuss why Catholicism holds the line on historic Christian doctrines of sex and personal moral accountability. This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please consider supporting its production: DONA...
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Considering Catholicism