Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Death, Judgment, Afterlife Episodes

Nov. 2, 2023

Snapshot: Taking Death Seriously (#149)

In this snapshot, Greg discusses why it's important to take death seriously in a culture that doesn't, and takes comfort in Catholicism which offers a coherent, comprehensive, and mature approach to death, dying, and remember...
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Considering Catholicism
March 2, 2023

What is Hell? (#100)

What is Hell? Why would God send anyone there? Didn't the Catholic Church just make it up to scare people into obeying? Greg and Ed continue their discussion of the "Last Things." This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please ...
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Considering Catholicism
Feb. 27, 2023

What is Purgatory? (#99)

What is Purgatory? If Jesus saves us by grace, why should anyone go there? And if it isn't mentioned in the Bible, did the Medieval Catholic Church just invent it? Greg and Ed continue their conversations about the "Last Thin...
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Considering Catholicism
Feb. 23, 2023

What is Heaven? (#98)

What is heaven? What would it be like? And why would you want to go there? Also, will your dog or cat get to go with you? Greg and Ed continue exploring the "Last Things" of Catholicism. This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. ...
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Considering Catholicism
Jan. 16, 2023

Will I Be Judged? (#86)

When we die, do we go straight to heaven, or are we judged? And does it really matter, if "Love Wins" in the end? Greg and Ed talk about what historic Christianity and the Catholic Church teach about judgment after death. Thi...
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Considering Catholicism
Jan. 12, 2023

A Good Death? (#85)

The Christian faith should prepare us for death. In fact, it should prepare us to face death without fear, and to die well. In fact, Catholicism has a long tradition of something called “The Good Death,” or “The Happy Death.”...
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Considering Catholicism
Oct. 31, 2022

What Happens When We Die? (#69)

Ed asks Greg what Catholicism believes happens to us when we die. Greg explains the "Four Last Things: death, judgment, heaven, and hell." And that we must always memento mori, " remember our death."
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Considering Catholicism