Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Bible Study Of Genesis (Deep Dive 1) Episodes

April 26, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 10: Into Egypt (#214)

The sons of Israel lie to their father and sell their brother Joseph into slavery in Egypt. But the Lord takes what they intend for evil and lays the foundation to save the two nations. Support this ministry so more people ca...
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Considering Catholicism
April 19, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 9: Wrestling with God (#211)

What's the origin of the word "Israel?" In Hebrew, it means "wrestles with God." Why was this the name of Jewish nation, both ancient and modern? Because the grandson of Abraham literally wrestled with God one night, and his ...
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Considering Catholicism
April 12, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis Part 8,: A Father's Faith (#208)

Abraham chose to believe God's promise for innumerable number of descendants, despite the circumstances of his life. And then God tested his faith through the loss of his nephew, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the ...
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Considering Catholicism
April 5, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 7: The Patriarch (#205)

The Lord called a man to leave his country and travel to a distant land. He gave that land to this man and his descendants, and promised that one day they would be as numerous as the stars of the sky or the grains of sand on ...
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Considering Catholicism
March 29, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 6: The Nations (#202)

In Genesis chapter 11, the story widens to encompass the peoples, tribes, nations, and languages that make up human history. And we begin to understand that God's plan of salvation will involve one small tribe, one chosen nat...
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Considering Catholicism
March 22, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 5: Noah's Ark (#199)

Almost everyone has heard of Noah's Ark, usually in Sunday School or children's bibles. But it's a very adult story that looks back to the Fall, establishes covenants with all mankind, and points forward to our salvation in C...
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Considering Catholicism
March 15, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 4: The Kids Are Not Alright (#196)

In Genesis 4, we see Adam and Eve, exiled from Eden. They begin their family, the human family, by having two boys, Cain and Abel. And the first death in human history isn't from old age or being stepped on by a Wooly Mammoth...
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Considering Catholicism
March 8, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 3: The Fall of Man (#193)

In Genesis 3, we learn how mankind fell from grace when Adam and Eve, tempted by the serpent, disobeyed God and ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil... and how they took the world down with them. But whil...
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Considering Catholicism
March 1, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 2: In God's Image (#190)

Genesis chapter 2 tells the story of the creation of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and Adam’s work. And we’ll see why mankind’s two genders, male and female, are an essential part of the image of God in man. Support this ...
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Considering Catholicism
Feb. 28, 2024

Bible Study of Genesis, Part 1: Seven Days (#189)

We begin a study of the Book of Genesis with the creation of the cosmos and what the Bible and the Catholic Church tell us about how God brought it about. Greg unpacks the first chapter of Genesis, the six days of God's creat...
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Considering Catholicism