One of the monumental works of Catholic poetry is St. Francis of Assisi's "Canticle of the Creatures" (the "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" poem). Greg and Cory reflect on what this poem really means in light of the Resurrection.
Ed the Protestant looks at a lot of Catholic religious paintings and statues and ask, "Why are they kind of weird? The composition, the colors, the subject matter seems so out of step with modern aesthetic tastes." Greg respo...
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A Protestant Asks, ”Why is Catholic Art...Weird?” (#102)
Some argue that the novels of JRR Tolkien, particularly his 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy, are the greatest Catholic novels of the 20th Century. Generations of converts to Catholicism have cited it as an important step on their...
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Book Club: Is ’The Lord of the Rings’ the Greatest Catholic Story of the 20th Century? (#37)
We're launching a new recurring feature on the podcast: "Book Club." In this first installment, Cory and I talk about what, exactly, makes a story "Catholic."
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Welcome to ”Book Club!” What Makes a Story ”Catholic?” (#36)
In March 2022, podcast host Greg will be leading a field trip to Catholic holy sites in Detroit (through the Lakeshore Academy for the New Evangelization). This bonus episode is a preview of three locations: The Cathedral of ...