Twenty Centuries. Twenty-Four Timezones. Two Hemispheres. One Church.

Calendar (Liturgical) Episodes

Nov. 25, 2023

Snapshot: Christ the King (#156)

In the last snapshot ("The End of Ordinary Time"), Greg pointed out that the Catholic Church has a major feast to celebrate the end of ordinary time and the liturgical year. That feast is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Chris...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 22, 2023

Snapshot: The End of Ordinary Time (#155)

Ordinary Time is coming to an end, very soon. If that sounds alarming and weird to you, then listen to this short explanation of the Catholic conception of time, and the cycles and landmarks that ought to define our lives. Bu...
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Considering Catholicism
March 6, 2023

Explaining Lent to a Protestant (#101)

Ed the Protestant asks, "What is Lent, where does it come from (not in the Bible), and why do Catholics practice it?" This podcast is a nonprofit ministry. Please consider supporting its production: DONATE
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Considering Catholicism
Dec. 15, 2022

Mary and the Messiah (#84)

Greg's message on the Feast of the Nativity. Merry Christmas from One Whirling Adventure and the Considering Catholicism podcast!
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Considering Catholicism
Dec. 7, 2022

Lent in the Footsteps of Jesus and the Apostles (#85)

Join podcast host Greg Smith for a once-in-a-lifetime Lenten journey: a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and to Turkey, the land of the New Testament churches. Learn more:
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 28, 2022

Catholic Christmas Myths (#77)

Along with the decorations, every year the same myths get brought out about how the Catholic Church was corrupted by the ancient pagans, and invented its Christmas celebrations by borrowing pagan festivals. So, it's time for ...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 21, 2022

A Eucharistic Advent (#79)

Greg has produced four short videos exploring the connections between the Eucharist and Christmas. You can find them on the website and social media. Ed the Protestant sat down with Greg to explore ...
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Considering Catholicism
Nov. 17, 2022

Christ the King (#76)

On the last Sunday before the season of Advent begins, the Church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King. Greg and Cory talk about where this celebration came from, what it means, and how we can apply it in our lives.
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Considering Catholicism